Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Yes you can diet low-carb as a vegetarian


I created this blog to house the techniques, tips and food shortcuts I amassed while losing weight on a vegetarian low-carb diet. Although I'd originally intended to create a website to present this material in organized fashion, my enthusiasm for that project proved greater than my available time.

I want to assure you that it is possible to lose weight--a lot of weight--on a low carb veg diet. In one year I lost almost precisely 100 pounds. After 20 months I'd lost 140 pounds total. I wouldn't have thought it was possible myself and certainly wouldn't have bet more than a few pennies on my ability to shed fat so quickly, but that's exactly what happened. And no, you certainly do not need to eat animal flesh--or even any animal foods at all. Low carb diets have the reputation of being based on bacon, hamburger patties and pats of butter with a side order of pork rinds. This simply isn't true. It's not difficult to devise a low-carb vegetarian regimen. The strange but wonderful truth is that I ate with greater pleasure as a low-carbing lacto-ovo vegetarian than I had as a low-fat high-carb veg in my fifteen prior years. And I felt healthier and more energetic in the bargain.

While I no longer follow a vegetarian diet, I am nonetheless committed to supporting any vegetarian who wants to explore low carb dieting. I believe a carb-conscious regimen is the most efficient and most healthful path to losing weight.

I didn't create this blog to debate animal rights or grapple with the ethical issues surrounding farming, dining and the food industry. Mind you, I do have opinions on these subjects. I am human, after all, and thus given to moments of introspection and fierce idealism, but this blog is not the forum for such discussions. If you want to engage me on these topics, please email me instead.

If you seek low carb vegetarian knowledge, you are most welcome to explore this blog and to email me. I don't have plans to post to this journal again, so if you're looking for my latest thoughts on health and dieting, chocolate, or life in this funny universe, you might prefer to visit one of my other journals. (And if you want to read my old low carb and health Livejournal that carried me through my weight loss and includes an absurd number of chocolate and tea reviews, you can visit that seldom used LJ here.)

Best of luck to you,

1 comment:

Worker Bee said...

I was not sure where to email you but you should try these low carb Oopsie Rolls!

I tried the recipe with a little savory herbs and they are wonderful!